Saturday, March 29, 2008

Springtime in upstate NY

We got an unexpected (by me anyway!) springtime storm the night before last... about 6 inches of wet snow, a little disheartening after a March of nothing but semi-wintry snowy cold weather. Also a little annoying for those of us who are trying to get into a walking regime and find it harder with cold and snow. Yes, I could go down to the college and walk around the indoor track. Yes, I should.

Anyway, the upside is that is was just lovely, all of the trees frosted with this wet snow that stuck, and the sun finally came out yesterday afternoon, and it was a fairyland. A cold fairyland, but still!

But we're supposed to be in the 50s by Monday... briefly anyway... and none too soon for me. This winter has lingered on, and it's one source, I think, of my continued depression and lethargy. I just haven't felt well lately, tired with no reason, nauseated a lot, depressed. At the moment, I can't even imagine what it would take to make those things different.

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